Title: Simulation learning, education, and research network basic instructor course (SimLEARN)

Location: Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Hospital System

Dates: 2013-2014

Role: Instructor

Description: Simulation instructor course to teach allied health professionals to become simulation instructors at their home institutions.

Time involved: 75 hours of instruction annually

Number of students: 30; nurses, educators, physicians, respiratory therapists, etc.

Evidence for teaching effectiveness: course evaluation forms.

Supplement: VA SimLEARN Website


Title: Simulation learning, education, and research network out-of-operating room airway management (SimLEARN OORAM)

Location: Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Hospital System

Dates: 2013-2014

Role: Instructor

Description: Simulation instructor course to teach allied health professionals basic skills in airway management.

Time involved: 40 hours of instruction annually

Number of students: 20; nurses, educators, physicians, respiratory therapists, etc.

Evidence for teaching effectiveness: course evaluation forms.

Supplement: VA SimLEARN Website


Title: Simulation learning, education, and research network code team training (SimLEARN Code Team)

Location: Veterans Affairs, Palo Alto Hospital System

Dates: 2013-2014

Role: Instructor

Description: Simulation instructor course to teach allied health professionals code team training.

Time involved: 24 hours of instruction annually

Number of students: 12; nurses, educators, physicians, respiratory therapists, etc.

Evidence for teaching effectiveness: course evaluation forms.

Supplement: VA SimLEARN Website


Title: Planning ahead by looking back: Lessons learned in using simulation-enhanced interprofessional education

Location: Duke Hospital

Date: 2017

Role: Lecturer

Description: Successes and challenges in using simulation to achieve interprofessional education

Time involved: 5 hours of preparation

Number of students: 20; nurses, educators, physicians, respiratory therapists, etc.

Evidence for teaching effectiveness: course evaluation forms.

Title: Operating rooms with emergency manuals: Best practices to optimize patient safety

Location: Duke Hospital

Date: 2018

Role: Lecturer

Time involved: 5 hours of preparation

Number of students: 80; perioperative nurses

Evidence for teaching effectiveness: course evaluation forms.